Jenna Busch

Photo of Jenna Busch
Los Angeles, CA
Syracuse University
Fitness, Makeup, Psychology
  • Jenna was a global makeup artist for several brands, and also did private work for TV and film.
  • She is well-versed in historical makeup, hair, and fashion.
  • She has run many marathons and is dedicated to getting people out there to exercise in whatever way is available to their bodies.


Jenna has been writing professionally for almost two decades now after doing makeup for TV, film, and brands for many years. She's been the author of several beauty blogs, and may stop to blend you on the street. She's also written about TV, film, comics, and video games, and is a contributing author to the anthology Womanthology: Heroic and 14 books in the PsychGeeks series.


Jenna graduated with an acting B.F.A. from Syracuse University.

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Stories By Jenna Busch