Oil Targeting: What It Is & The Benefits For Your Complexion

If you're anything like us, you're probably guilty of treating all the skin on your face the exact same way. When you apply powder, you put it all over your face. When you apply a luminous, moisturizing primer, you put it all over your face. Sound familiar? Well, there's a better way that's going to instantly give you more luminous, glowing skin. Say hello to oil targeting.


Oil targeting is exactly what it sounds like. It's all about literally targeting the different parts of the face based on each section's individual needs — specifically the oily parts. So, instead of having a matte finish to the whole face, you can go matte in the parts that need it but dewy in others. And vice versa. The best part about the concept? Because it's so personalized, there's no one who can't try it and expect to see results. But why would anyone want to? Well, it turns out there are some big benefits to breaking up the different parts of your face into oily sections and not oily sections, rather than treating it all the same way. This will have you glowing in no time.

Oil targeting can prevent pesky oily and dry patches

The reason oil targeting is getting so much attention right now is because of the way it can be totally tailored to each individual's skin type. In doing so, it's giving you the best of both worlds when it comes to the longstanding dewy vs. matte face debate. Because now you really can have both! Perfect for those people who can't decide which side of the fence they sit on.


When practiced correctly, oil targeting can ensure there's less chance of developing dry patches on some parts of the face and oily patches on others. That's because by applying a mattifying product only to the areas that need it, oily patches won't get oilier. That leads to a whole host of benefits, as your makeup (especially your foundation) is less likely to break down, sit in your pores, or look dry and emphasize fine lines and wrinkles. That means targeting only the oily patches is instantly going to make your makeup, and complexion as a result, look better. 

Those most likely to benefit the most from the technique are those with combination skin, but anyone can potentially see results no matter what their skin type. That's because almost all of us have a combination of oily and dry patches to a certain extent, with many people having an oilier t-zone but drier patches elsewhere on the face.


So, how exactly do you oil target?

There are a few ways to oil target — and getting started is easier. We'd recommend beginning with your skincare. Through only applying moisturizers in the areas of the face that are dry and need it, excess oil production can be kept at bay. Then, on the naturally oilier areas, try mattifying skincare products. That may mean putting a heavier moisturizer in some areas and a lighter one in others. That way, your skin will get the moisture it needs but won't be left feeling greasy or tight everywhere. Finding out which products work where may take some trial and error, but that balance is key to this concept. "Over-cleaning on a dry area could result in exacerbation of dryness flaking and broken skin, while not cleansing properly on very oily areas can result in breakouts and dead skin build-up," Anny Choudhry, Aventus Clinic aesthetic physician told Healthline.


You can also oil target with makeup. One of the easiest and most effective ways is to only apply powder in certain places. Exactly where will differ from person to person, but you'll probably want to focus on your t-zone. Celebrity makeup artist Billie Gene shared the cardinal rule with InStyle, noting, "Be sure to apply the powder only where you need the additional coverage or setting." That we will. But why not take this one step further and apply a matte foundation alongside a dewy one? It's all about finding what works for you.

