June 2024 Book Releases We Can't Wait For

2024 has so far been a solid year for bibliophiles, especially if you're a fan of romance and adventure. The new release of a steamy romance by fan-favorite Ana Huang rocked our world in April 2024. Meanwhile, rom-com superstar Emily Henry released her highly-anticipated "Funny Story" to fan frenzy, solidifying her place as the queen of the genre. Those of us who longed for spice got treated to Meghan Quinn's "Bridesmaid For Hire. While our TBR has been well warmed up for the summer, June might be the best month of all for stocking up on new books. There's no shortage of treasures being released in time for our 2024 vacation season from both new and well-established authors. We're expecting everything from romances that take us to gorgeous locations and family dramas that pull at our heartstrings. Plus, there are a few historical fiction books that we can't wait to get our hands on. So, if you've been on the hunt for some fresh novels to add to your beach reading lineup, we've got you covered. 


Julia Phillips' 'Bear' is a haunting story about family

Julia Phillips' "Bear" deals with two sisters as they grapple with the unexpected arrival of a bear on their home island in the Pacific Northwest. The curious visitor pushes the sisters into a deeper level of reckoning with their own lives, prompting them to make decisions that push them into fear and danger. Phillips sets a mystical tone throughout the novel by using fairy-tale tropes, while also highlighting universal tensions about family and selfhood. "Bear" is Phillips' second novel, and the Brooklyn-based author is already widely known as a force to be reckoned with thanks to her debut success "Disappearing Earth." 


Critics and advance reviewers are already raving about "Bear" all over GoodReads. "What happens when the classic Brothers Grimm fairy-tale, Snow White and Rose Red, is merged with the gritty reality of working-class people on San Juan Island, off the coast of Washington State?" one reviewer begins. "Magic happens. You get a book that maintains its mythical feel while bringing the reader uncomfortably close to the daily existence of those who struggle to get by." Reviewers called the book "atmospheric" and warned of a "tense" and surprising ending. But what really resonated with readers was the compelling and realistic relationship between the two sisters. That sounds like a novel we can get behind!  "Bear" hits shelves on June 25, 2024.


Rufi Thorpe's 'Margo's Got Money Troubles' is hilarious and relatable

Rufi Thorpe's "Margo's Got Money Troubles," set to release on June 11, 2024, deals with becoming a mother for the first time and, as the title suggests, financial stress. The young protagonist Margo has an affair with her English professor, and winds up pregnant and alone. Through an unexpected turn of events, Margo's father, a former pro-wrestler, shows up and asks to live with her. The twosome reconnect, and Margo creatively tackles her looming debt and lack of income by creating an OnlyFans account. 


The unusual story, both hilarious and tender-hearted, made readers on GoodReads go absolutely gaga for "Margo's Got Money Troubles." One praised how unusual the plot was: "I want to shout from the rooftops about this one! What a weird and wonderful gem of a book. Completely different than anything I've ever read." Part of the appeal was author Thorpe's already-vibrant following. People were ready for her next novel, and Thorpe delivered. "I had high expectations for this book and Thorpe managed to knock it out of the park!" another reviewer wrote. People consistently spoke about how surprised they were by Thorpe's novel, and how real, flawed, and lovable Margo is. 

Elin Hilderbrand's 'Swan Song' is the fourth and final in her Nantucket series

"Swan Song," by Elin Hilderbrand, is highly anticipated, since it's the fourth and final instalment of the author's "Nantucket" series, which began with: "A Summer Affair," "The Castaways," and then "The Perfect Couple." So it's no wonder that fans are thrilled. In this closing novel, the Nantucket community gets into a tizzy when the wealthy and mysterious Richardson couple buys a $22 million mansion. Giving hints of F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby," the Richardsons host wild parties and mesmerize the entire area, all while leaving folks puzzled as to how they make money. Hilderbrand ensures the plot remains irresistible and arresting. At one point, the Richardson home burns to the ground, and someone goes missing. 


Fans on GoodReads are in a frenzy of anticipation over the book. "Readers are in for SUCH a treat this June... Devoted Hilderbabes are going to obsess over all the Easter Eggs and nods to Elin's extraordinary career wrapped up in one heck of a mysterious beach book when her tour de force, SWAN SONG publishes June 11th," one advance reviewer wrote. Readers are seriously gutted that this is the final novel in Hilderbrand's compelling series, so they are soaking it up and savoring every last word. "Swan Song" is slated to hit shelves on June 11, 2024.

Sabrina Fedel's 'All Roads Lead to Rome' is your wanderlust hit

If you loved "Roman Holiday," consider "All Roads Lead to Rome" by Sabrina Fedel the modern version of the iconic travel romance. Slated for availability on June 18, 2024, the story follows the daughter of a diplomat named Astoria "Story" Herriot. While living in Rome with her mother, she gets talked into a pretend relationship with Scottish celebrity, Luca Kinnaird, to put paparazzi off the scent from his real relationship. As any astute reader can guess, a romance ensues, with the beautiful city of Rome as the decadent backdrop. 


While "All Roads Lead to Rome" is certainly a romance novel, it's anything but predictable, and this is what readers were raving about on GoodReads. "I was expecting a sweet, soft, maybe a little cliche and cheesy read, but I couldn't be more wrong! My romance-craving friends, please mark this book, not just add it to your list, but read and reread!" one fan wrote. No reader is complaining about the chance to vicariously explore Rome through Fedel's hit. "Rome sparkles on every page of this delightful romance," another reviewer began. "I loved traveling throughout the city and daydreamed of gelato while reading." So it looks like we'll be adding Fedel's European adventure to our reading list immediately. 


Kate Foster's 'The King's Witches' is a historical masterpiece

Kate Foster's "The King's Witches" takes readers back to 1589, and explores the lives of fictional women who lived through the witch trials of Scotland. The historical fiction is rich and evocative, but almost certain to captivate readers who want a denser summer read. The novel tells the story of Princess Anne of Denmark, who is preparing to marry King James VI of Scotland. The princess' dramas of newly married life are intertwined with the story of Jura, a local housemaid, who relies on healing practices that were passed down to her. However, it's these rituals that force Jura to flee to Edinburgh after people accuse her of witchcraft. 


For many readers, "The King's Witches" put Foster on the map. "A truly triumphant book! I can't believe I've read nothing by Kate Foster before," one reviewer began. "This is a story of three women wrapped in the chaos of sixteenth century Scotland and Scandinavia- following the famous outbreak of witch-hunting." Another reviewer noted how unusual Foster's novel was compared with other fictitious retellings of witch trials. "Wonderful, compelling and rich," they wrote. "I loved how this combined an exploration of the panic over witchcraft with a fascinating look at court intrigue within the Scottish royal household, making it feel a bit of a different witch trial novel." Foster's compelling novel is sure to be a hit not just in the month of June, but for all of 2024. You can pick it up June 6 on Amazon and at your local bookstore. 


