Tips To Help You Enjoy The Little Treats You Love Without Blowing Your Budget
It’s easy to make $20 purchases and forget about how they add up over the month. A "fun money" limit can make the difference in staying within budget.
Set A Limit
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Before making an impulse purchase, consider how long you’ll have to work to pay for the item. We all deserve a treat sometimes, but still need to be conscious of our spending.
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To deter online impulse buying, sign out of websites and apps you frequently purchase from, or at least delete your credit card information.
Have A Cooling-Off Period
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It may not stop you from buying something, but it might make you take an extra moment to think about what you’re doing. Anything that gives you another step is helpful.
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Figure out what you love, and see if there is a cheaper way to get it. Make a fancy coffee at home, or arrange dinners or spa nights with friends at home.
Try Some DIY Luxury
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Go to community movie nights in the summer with a giant projection screen, or do a paint and drink night at a restaurant where they have the supplies, and you just buy the wine.
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By getting travel-sized cosmetics at Ulta or Sephora, you can see if the full-size version is something that’s worth splurging on.
Pare It Down
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If you find a foundation you like, check the tester to see if it suits your skin, or ask one of the Sephora staff members to color-match a sample to try at home before spending.
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Gift-with-purchase deals are sometimes just the colors that aren't selling or are out of fashion. Save money with multipacks of items like lipgloss that can be split with friends.
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Items you don't need aren't bad purchases, and feeling guilty for splurging isn't necessary. You just need to do it in moderation and with consideration.
Less Guilt, More Mindful
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Being more conscious of your indulgences and stopping to consider what you’re doing can make a big difference in staying within budget while still making yourself happy.
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