The Four Horseman Relationship Habits That Often Lead To A Breakup
The "Four Horsemen" can predict the end of a relationship, according to psychologist and marriage researcher John Gottman, Ph.D. He's been studying couples since the 1970s.
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Through his years of research, Gottman has recognized the "Four Horsemen" as behavioral predictors of breakup or divorce: criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling.
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A critical person often says "always" or "never" when discussing what their partner does or doesn't do. It tends to come up when there is an uneven balance of labor.
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For instance, if your partner forgets to do the laundry, you might say, "You're so forgetful." A healthier approach utilizes "I" statements, not blaming your partner's character.
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Contempt can occur when criticism goes too far, and it can escalate to verbal abuse. It can make you communicate using sarcasm, mockery, shame, and disrespect.
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In a healthy relationship, you and your partner should not belittle each other whenever a problem arises. Instead, you can try working together as a team.
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When one partner uses criticism, the other may get defensive. It includes overexplaining, playing the victim card, criticizing back, or using "but" statements.
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Your partner might not feel like their needs are being heard. Instead of utilizing defensiveness, accept responsibility and try to understand your partner’s perspective.
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This is when one person shuts down. This can look like refusing to respond, changing the subject, changes in body language, or acting busy with another task.
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Even though no words are said, it can be painful to be on the receiving end of stonewalling. Instead, tell your partner you need a break so you can both process and calm down.
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