Woman applying cream to her face in front of a mirror.
How To Treat Cystic Acne When OTC Treatments Aren't Working
One of the most stubborn and difficult types of acne to deal with is cystic acne, which embeds oil and dead skin cells underneath the skin and severely clogs pores.
Cystic acne develops through causes like hormonal changes, genetics, diet, and even some medications.
It can lead to scarring, irritation, and inflammation.
According to VeryWell Health, cortisone shots can effectively minimize painful cysts by decreasing the body’s natural inflammatory response and reducing the swelling.
Once injected, the blemishes will soften, fade, and flatten. While they won’t go away completely and right away, the cortisone will cause a significant reduction in cystic acne.
As per WebMD, taking an oral contraceptive can help estrogen and progesterone levels which regulate sebum production, leading to reduced cystic acne.
However, oral contraceptives can have adverse effects on your health and can cause blood clotting, migraines, and mood changes, if taken without consulting your doctor.