A woman looking forlorn
How To Rebuild Trust In Your Relationship After It’s Broken
Whoever broke the trust in the relationship needs to acknowledge and take responsibility for their actions. They need to concede, no matter how hard that is.
Owning your wrongdoings is an act of humility, meaning pride has been subtracted from the equation. When a partner does this, they're acknowledging the other person's feelings.
A relationship ceases to be one when communication is lost, making it just as important as trust. When trust is broken, good communication must follow.
When having a conversation, use "I" statements and active listening. "I" statements let you share your feelings and active listening shows you are focused on your partner.
When trust is broken, previous boundaries need to be re-evaluated and tweaked to fit the current situation. They might need to be changed to accommodate future issues.
When partners can discuss boundaries, the parameters of what behavior is okay can be re-established. Ideally, this will prevent either partner from breaking trust in the future.