A couple sleeping in bed together
4 Tips To Help You Adjust To Sharing A Bed With A New Partner
Sleeping next to a new partner can be an intimate way to connect, but for both of you to be comfortable, it's important to find the right balance between both of your sleep needs.
People either love or hate sleeping with a fan on at night, which can create issues between partners. Small portable fans make a good compromise.
Portable Fan
Using one of these small fans can ensure that one partner receives the circulating air they need to help keep them cool without disturbing the other.
You and your partner don't have to share the same bedding. Rather, get the bedding that works best for the way you each personally sleep.
Different Bedding
You can each achieve your ideal temperature and sensory requirements. By having separate bedding, you also don't have to deal with any potential blanket-hogging behavior.
A new partner could be the excuse you need to get a larger bed. More space ensures you both sleep better, especially if you like to spread out at night.
Bigger Bed
Rather than bumping into each other and waking the other one up, more space could allow you to sleep soundly in whatever position you prefer.
If you and your partner keep different hours, a night light can make for a helpful way to make sure the night owl doesn't cause more noise by bumping into things.
Night Light
A night light also allows for a more seamless going-to-bed process, which can ensure less disruption to the early riser who is already in bed.